Shape Cutting Machine also known as Flame Cutting Machine or Manual Profile Cutting Machine. They are very useful for repetitive jobs, where they cut same profiles on a recurring basis. Template is cut on a thin sheet of Mild Steel or Stainless Steel. Then the template is mounted on the shape/flame/manual profile cutting machine. Tracer on the machine traces and guides the flame cutting torch to cut the mild steel plate put under the torch. Shape/flame/manual profile cutting machine has flexible arms, which can adjust the reach of the torch. It also contains beveling attachment.
MINI - OSTRICH is a small portable radial arm oxygen cutting machine. Being small in size and light in weight, the machine can be easily carried to the worksite and placed directly on the plate to be cut. As the machine is mounted on four ball castors, it can be moved about on the plate as required.
Portable profile cutting machine model “ MINI OSTRICH” Suitable to cut metal based template from 30 mm diameter to 2 meter diameter,
with speed control pot, forward/ reverse, toggle switch and tracer, having special facility of inner & outer circle cutting facility just by pressing
the tracer in front and weighing only 58 kg.
MODEL: MINI OSTRICH with gas torch.
Spares & Consumables available for the machine:
Technical Specification - Portable Shape Cutting Machine MINI-OSTRICH