Inverter plasma cutting machines rectify the mains supply to DC, which is fed into a high-frequency transistor inverter between 10 kHz to about 200 kHz. Higher switching frequencies give greater efficiencies in the transformer, allowing reduced size and weight.
The transistors used earlier, were initially MOSFETS, but now increasingly IGBTs are used. With paralleled MOSFETs, if one of the transistors activates prematurely it can lead to a cascading failure of one quarter of the inverter. A later invention, IGBT, is not as subject to this failure mode. IGBTs can be generally found in high current machines where it is not possible to parallel sufficient MOSFET transistors.
As Inverter technology has a power factor of >90%, instead of 1 diode based machine, 3 Inverter based machines can be used with same load, increasing productivity by 3 times. With the help of oil free compressed air delivery at 5.5 bar & electricity, Inverter based plasma cutting machine cuts all metals like Stainless Steel, Mild Steel, Copper, Brass, Aluminium, Inconel, Monel, Titanium, Nickel, Chorme, Bronze, Galvanised Steel, Heated Steel, Wear Plates, Castings.
Inverter Air Plasma Cutting Machines were developed by the company in the year 1997. This produces excellent stability to Air Plasma Arc Cutting. Noise produced by Inverter Air Plasma Cutting is much less compared to all other types of plasma cutting machines. Inverter Air Plasma Cutters consume only 50% input power compared to other types. We manufacturer Inverter Plasma Cutting Machines suitable for CNC applications and cutting capacity up to 100mm thick plates.
With the help of oil free compressed air delivery at 5.5 kg/cm2 & electricity, cuts all metals like Stainless Steel, Mild Steel, Copper Brass, Aluminium, Inconel, Monel, Titanium, Nickel, Chorme, Bronze, Galvanised Steel, Heated Steel, Wear Plates etc.
As SS cannot be cut with oxy fuel, Plasma is a ‘Must’ for SS cutting. Though, MS can be cut with oxy fuel, Plasma is far more economical than oxy fuel, if the job thickness is below 25 mm. So, plasma cutting is becoming very popular in India.
Single phase Inverterized Plasma Cutting Machine suitable for 0.3mm to 12mm fine cut and 25mm severance cut of any electro conductive metal plate.
Three Phase Inverterized Plasma Cutting Machine suitable for 0.3mm to 12mm fine cut and 25mm severance cut of any electro conductive metal plate.
Three Phase Inverterized Plasma Cutting Machine suitable for 0.3mm to 25mm fine cut and 35mm severance cut of any electro conductive metal plate.
Three Phase Inverterized Plasma Cutting Machine suitable for 0.3mm to 32mm fine cut and 45mm severance cut of any electro conductive metal plate.
Three Phase Inverterized Plasma Cutting Machine suitable for 0.3mm to 40mm fine cut and 70mm severance cut of any electro conductive metal plate.+
Three Phase Inverterized Plasma Cutting Machine suitable for 0.3mm to 75mm fine cut and 125mm severance cut of any electro conductive metal plate.
Three Phase Inverterized Plasma Cutting Machine suitable for 0.3mm to 16mm fine cut and 30mm severance cut of any electro conductive metal plate.
Three Phase Inverterized Plasma Cutting Machine suitable for 0.3mm to 50mm fine cut and 80mm severance cut of any electro conductive metal plate.
Spares & Consumables available for the machines: