For MIG welding or Flux-Cored welding, semiautomatic wire feeders are connected to a welding power source and are used to feed a spool of wire through the welding gun. Wire is only fed when the trigger is depressed. These units are portable.
For MIG, Flux-Cored, or submerged arc welding, automatic wire feeders feed a spool of wire at a constant rate to the weld joint. They are usually mounted onto a fixture in a factory/industrial setting and are used in conjunction with a separate power source.
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Not at all! CNC nesting software has been designed for simplicity and ease-of-use. These software allows the direct import of DXF formatted drawing files. The DXF file is available with almost all CAD and art creation programs. DXF is the universal drawing exchange format. Our software allows you to optimize DXF files for CNC cutting, create arrays and to scale the size of the object to be cut.
Yes! You will be able to open, view, edit and convert all CAD drawings. If they are not sent to you in DXF format you will be able to easily change them to a DXF.
During installation, the gantry must be installed squarely and hard stops must be installed in the correct places. Once this is done, whenever the machine is started for the first time each day, or after a power outage the machine must be “Homed.” Clicking the radio button for “homing” causes the machine to perform an electronic check and reset of the electronics to correct put all the electronics in synchronization. When “homing” is completed the gantry will produce square cuts even if it has had a bump or has encountered something left on the guide rails.
Don’t fret, although with some other systems you’re in big trouble! With our software, simply check the bottom of the screen to see what caused the stoppage: Lost Arc or Collision Detector. If the Collision Detector was tripped (maybe you left your lunch bucket sitting in the middle of the table), simply remove the obstruction, click the “RESET” radio button and then click “Start Cycle.” You will then be asked if you would like to restart where the collision occurred, click “yes” and off you go again. If Lost Arc was the issue, click the “RESET” button and then select “Tool Change” at the bottom of the screen. The torch will move to your preset torch service area where you can check the consumables and replace them if necessary. On completion select the “Move to Where E-Stop Occurred.” After the gantry has moved back to its original stopping point, select “Start Cycle.” There are also “Move Back” and “Move Forward” tabs for relocating the torch over the cut.
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